Montessori Aligned Toys

A quick search for “Montessori toys” will lead you to a plethora of children’s toys. Many of these have reviews explaining why this lovely toy is not a Montessori toy. Typically, these reviews are not wrong! One of the biggest conflicts I’ve noticed is open-ended…

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Name Bubbles – Great for Back to School

**This is an affiliate post.** It’s that time of year again! Many families are heading back to school (whatever that may mean for your family). Back to school might mean heading into a school building, organized homeschool groups, or more educational, family outings. Whatever the…

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Mealtimes with Small Fries, Montesori Style

*This post contains affiliate links* Something I love in Montessori classrooms is how “real” snacks and meals are for children. Young children- even toddlers!- are setting tables, sitting at the table, and eating nicely. In some schools, a community meal is even shared and passed…

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What Should My Kids Do In Summer?!

As the school year is winding down, the anticipation of summer is palpable. Finally, the children don’t need a jacket to play outside, there are flowers growing, and on particularly warm days, a sprinkler is welcome. If the space allows, children may even bring their…

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Montessori Philosophy: The Power of Observation

In a scientific environment, observation is very important. Scientists learn a lot through what they can objectively observe and use the data for further research. As Maria Montessori was a scientist herself, it is not surprising that she utilized this tool when working with children.…

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The Case Against “Good Job!”

For as long as I can remember, I have been reminded to not say, “Good job!” to children. It is not a meaningful comment in many cases, and children know this. Not only that, it teaches children to rely on others to measure their success!…

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“That’s not Montessori!”

Asking if something is “Montessori” or telling other parents, “That’s not Montessori!” has become a common theme of Montessori groups on social media. I like to believe everyone is well meaning, though I know it can feel otherwise. There seems to be a lot of…

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