Montessori Philosophy: The Power of Observation

In a scientific environment, observation is very important. Scientists learn a lot through what they can objectively observe and use the data for further research. As Maria Montessori was a scientist herself, it is not surprising that she utilized this tool when working with children.…

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*Contains affiliate links* As spring is coming ever so slowly, we’re seeing more and more birds around, much to the delight of my toddler. For Christmas, she got a bird feeder and diligently feeds the birds. I keep an eye on it to make sure…

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Children, Schedules, and Routines – Oh my!

Routine. Schedule. We often use these words interchangeably. In many cases, they can be used interchangeably. It’s easy to find posts on different people’s suggested routines and schedules. As a stay-at-home mom, I love having a schedule to follow. It keeps me on my toes.…

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Montessori Toys – Wooden or Not?

Wooden materials are very common in Montessori classrooms, along with glass, metal, and other “real” materials. As often as possible, Montessori environments avoid the use of plastic. Of course, this is not always reasonable or possible, though we try. Why not wooden? Given the choice,…

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Numbers and Counting! Where to Start?

Many toddlers can proudly count to ten, fifteen, twenty, or more. Adults are often so excited and proud of their little ones counting higher and higher. The excitement is often shared by the youngster, happily rattling off numbers whenever someone requests it. Don’t get me…

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The Case Against “Good Job!”

For as long as I can remember, I have been reminded to not say, “Good job!” to children. It is not a meaningful comment in many cases, and children know this. Not only that, it teaches children to rely on others to measure their success!…

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“That’s not Montessori!”

Asking if something is “Montessori” or telling other parents, “That’s not Montessori!” has become a common theme of Montessori groups on social media. I like to believe everyone is well meaning, though I know it can feel otherwise. There seems to be a lot of…

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